
Michelle Rudoff Named Grand Marshal for 2024 AHRC Foundation Walk

Celebrating Anniversaries and the Power of Advocacy

Michelle Rudoff, a dedicated advocate and Quality Assurance Trainer at AHRC Nassau, was recently awarded the prestigious 2023 Best Practices in Person-Centered Support Grant by True Link Financial. Her leadership and advocacy have empowered others to find their voices and achieve personal goals through self-direction and person-centered supports.

Michelle Rudoff

Reflecting on her journey, Michelle shared, “When I first started receiving services, I didn’t speak up. I want to teach others—especially younger people—that they can do it too. We all have the right to be heard and make decisions about our lives.”

Over the past decade, Michelle has become a guiding force within AHRC Nassau, leading numerous initiatives, including safe driving and voter registration programs, and helping to create life-planning tools that encourage self-discovery and goal setting. She plays an active role in the agency’s strategic decision-making, lending her voice to matters that impact the people supported.

“Michelle’s dedication to person-centered advocacy has made an extraordinary impact not only on Long Island but across New York State,” said Mary McNamara, Foundation Director of the Nassau County AHRC Foundation. “She dreamed her own dream for her life and worked to make it a reality. The independence she enjoys, with the supports that have been hard-won through advocacy, has made this possible. Michelle Rudoff continues to advocate for all people so that they can live their best life.”

The leadership of AHRC Nassau founded the Nassau County AHRC Foundation 30 years ago to ensure a financial safety net would exist on Long Island for programs that benefit children and adults with developmental disabilities, regardless of changing government programs or economic uncertainties. The 2024 Walk is an important event for the Foundation, with a goal of raising $100,000 to further its mission of providing crucial resources and supports to people with developmental disabilities. The Foundation actively supports programs relied upon by the Long Island IDD community.

More than 12,000 walkers are expected on October 27th at Eisenhower Park, including family members, people with developmental disabilities, support staff, and corporate sponsors. In addition to the walk itself, the event offers games for children, a pumpkin patch, and other family-friendly activities.

Mary McNamara added, “The Foundation was started to ensure that the best supports would always be available for those who need them. As we celebrate this milestone, we are reminded of the power of self-advocates like Michelle, who inspire us to do more, to listen better, and to work toward creating a truly inclusive community.”

To join the Nassau County AHRC Foundation and the Long Island IDD community in celebrating this extraordinary milestone and to participate in the 2024 Walk, visit